Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 24

I was running low on gas again. I have been trying to keep my tank at least 1/2 full at all times, just in case. I wanted to post something else on craigslist to barter with, so I looked around my apartment for something I was willing to part with. About a year ago, I went on an organizational kick. I had bought a desk, filing system, wall calendar, a cork board, and various other organizational tools...$400 later, I had essentially created a cubical in the corner of my bedroom. I had never gotten around to buying a chair for the desk, so it naturally became a great place to put more stuff on. After about 6 months of sleeping in the office of what looked to be a highly ineffective individual, I came to terms with my disdain for the expensive desk area. I took everything down and put it in my closet. My bedroom is now a place I like to be, and not a source of stress. I decided to post a "hang on the wall" magazine holder I had purchased from the Container Store during the phase. It was green canvas and barely used (obviously) so I asked for $20 in gas for it.

Later that day a woman contacted me about the item. She asked where I was located and as it happened, she lived on the other side of town. I told her I sometimes go that way to visit my parents but I wasn't planning a trip there this week. She mentioned she volunteers in my area Thursday nights and suggested I meet her on her way to volunteer. I thought that would be fine, I just had to make sure I was free around 7p.m. on Thursday. She told me she was very thrifty also, and had some great tips she could let me in on to save money. Before we hung up, she asked if I would take $15 in gas instead of $20 for the magazine holder. I thought any tips she had for me would even it out, so we settled on $15 worth of gas.

I'm finding that bartering comes in many forms, and what is traded doesn't necessarily have to be a tangible thing. In the case of my friend a couple of nights ago, the pizza was a trade for good conversation and someone to listen to, with the woman who wanted an article, I was able to trade my thoughts, ideas, and a good story for some much needed food, and with this woman's promise of money saving tips and gas, I feel I am making a more than fair trade for my magazine holder. Side note, there should be a shorter word in the english language for "magazine holder", or if there is one in another language, I'd like to adopt that word for our own use.

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